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A member registered Dec 05, 2022

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Love this but in route B this is 100% debunked with Orlando asking Dean if he is working for Memphis after shit hits the fan. And the answer is no.

Path D can also happen if you choose to save sal in path C day 14

Honestly I think that's an issue with the device itself because I just managed to open it on my phone, given mine is Android 11 my exact phone is a MotoE6 but try it with another device (if possible) otherwise keep trying I had a similar issue with another VN and just had to brute force my way into playing it.

You and me both brother, things like this have me questioning myself 100%

The Annihilation ending is so brutal. Like damn... Luke would of had some nasty PTSD if he didn't die.

Use the bomb on the roof... I think that's what gets it.

As far as I know the only one I know of is in Dozer's route, sorry

Quick question,

Is there a good ending when it comes to any of the routes, I got to the end of 1 of them and had to take a few days off.

This looks like it will be great, can't wait to try it out when it's further along. 

(I personally dislike being slapped with the message "End of Demo")

Depends on what path you want, pay attention to what is said during the days and it will hint the passwords

i love how in the info it says the average session is "A Few Hours" i was closer to 78Hrs into the game before i got to the "ending",  i count it to me reading slow and getting stuck on some of the passwords

(1 edit)

this was an actual mental rollercoaster... i want to take another ride lol.

when i was playing i was just living the "EMOTIONAL DAMAGE" meme

I honestly don't blame you. I would feel the same if I dedicated money to a creator and they didn't finish it out; not that I'm bashing them at all, I just think its unprofessional.

I agree but if it was Darius

I was laughing for a good 5 minutes when I saw it, my roommate thought I flipped my cookie

Dwayne seems so needy... NGL no hate BTW, I will still play his route to the end once it's out, because it's not a turn off